Let me introduce you to the parents! They are not just in our breeding program but they are our family. They bring so much joy and love to our lives.


Let me introduce you to the parents! They are not just in our breeding program but they are our family. They bring so much joy and love to our lives.


Maggie is our AKC Bernese Mountain Dog
Born: August 25, 2017
Weight: 110 pounds

Litters of Standard F1 bernedoodle puppies: Sept. 11, 2019, April 18, 2020, December 11, 2020 and July 14, 2021.

Maggie is the sweetest and most lovable Bernese Mountain Dog! She is very laid back and would rather sit as close to us as possible and watch the other dogs play. (Bernese prefer the company of people to dogs) She is very comfortable and gentle around children and the elderly. Maggie is such a good mom to her puppies.  Her litters have been healthy and adorable.

Maggie is retired from my breeding program.  She will remain on our farm for the rest of her life.  She is an amazing friend and a mentor to Bella and Ellie.


Bella is our AKC Standard Poodle
Born: July 23, 2019
Weight: 62 pounds

Bella is a Silver Beige Phantom Standard Poodle. We purchased her from my good friend that has been a reputable breeder for many years (my mentor). Bella is loving, affectionate, social, playful, goofy and over all a wonderful attitude. She has the poodle bounce in her step that makes her look so classy along with her amazing colors. 


Ellie is our F1 Standard Bernedoodle
Born: Sept. 15, 2019
Weight: 67 pounds

Ellie’s color is Sable. Her coat has the tight curl of the poodle and of course no shedding. Her personality is laid back, loving and has the goofy side as well. Ellie is the perfect package deal and like all Bernedoodles, she is a good mix of the Bernese Mountain Dog and Standard Poodle. We had her DNA tested to find no health issues and is of good blood line.

The Boys

Prince is outsourced from a responsible and reputable breeder. He is an F1 mini bernedoodle weighing in at 48 pounds.  He is OFA Hip and Elbows Certified.

Kip is our stud.  
Born January 13, 2022
A Red Standard Poodle.
He is all grown up and mature now.  He is very majestic, sweet, laid back and has that goofiness as most poodles have.   We can’t wait to see the puppies he produces!
He is also available for stud service.